The journey of the young Israeli construction industry continues, and the story of the development of the Israeli product is also intertwined with it. Continue reading and discover the strengths of this unparalleled product.
The Development of the Construction Industry in Israel
If you were to walk the streets of the young country, you would probably come across transit centers and housing apartments, poor-looking buildings. Tin shacks, shacks, and gray asbestos buildings are scattered in the uncultivated fields in order to quickly house the many immigrants. In other areas, we will notice long, unadorned earthen structures like trains that were hastily erected to accommodate the new families.
Let’s jump ahead a few years and the construction and architecture industries are growing and developing, creating a distinct change in the environment. Now, designed multi-story buildings fill the horizon and will later wear large, airy balconies and even grow into impressive skyscrapers.
In parallel with the development of the industry, and considering the growing need for construction products, the Hecht & Ephraim company was established. Since then, the company has been investing and developing products using the advanced thinking and skilled hands of the Israeli worker for the Israeli citizen.
The Construction Industry Today
The construction industry is growing and developing even more. Many buildings are rising from the ground to record-breaking heights, some are becoming residential complexes that incorporate schools, “floating” gardens, and gyms.
Other buildings are expanding into commercial buildings of enormous dimensions, with more and more acres becoming giant shopping centers and sprawling factories.
Now the materials used in the industry are diverse, the construction is innovative and well-established, and the architecture is drawing special design lines that combine East and West.
The People Behind the Scenes
Behind the scenes of that growth are the Israeli workers: the architects, the engineers and the production workers. These people, with the knowledge, the ability and the desire to invest in the Israeli product, led the development of the industry into a well-established and knowledge-rich industry and made the Israeli product considered for its quality throughout the world.
Behind the advanced production of the Israeli factory, Hecht & Ephraim stands a talented workforce, planned thinking and over 70 years of experience, which accompanies each of the stages before the finished product is held in your hand.